Jake's Rocking 3rd Birthday Party

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It's Jake Hannon's special day and he has chosen to share his birthday wish! Jake Hannon is requesting that, in lieu of shopping for a gift, you make a contribution here so that he can donate a portion of it to charity and pool the rest in a gift fund to purchase a special gift(s) from all his friends!
Welcome to Jake Hannon's Event page!

We are so happy to be celebrating Jake's 3rd birthday!! And he is so excited to be able to celebrate with all his friends. With a house full of toys already, we thought this would be a great opportunity to start teaching Jake about appreciating the things he has, and the importance of helping others.

Through Share Your Wish, we are able to reduce the amount of gifts he receives (that he really doesn't need!), get him one meaningful gift that we know he really wants, and even help out some charities that we support. And the best part - you won't have to do any shopping!!

Jake Hannon's Chosen Charities

While Jake is a little young to fully understand the idea of charity, we tried present him with a couple of charities in terms he could relate to.

He liked the concept of Little Kids Rock because, as he said, "Music class is so much fun!"

We also chose Susan G. Kormen for the Cure because it is a charity supporting a cause that our family has been personally affected by.

Lastly, we chose Baby Buggy because Jake has a special place in his heart for little babies!

Founded in 1996, Little Kids Rock LKR believes that all children in our public schools dese ...(more)
Baby Buggy is dedicated to providing New York Citys NYC families in need with essential equ ...(more)
My name is Anna. Im twelve years old and from New York City. I had an idea. I wanted to c ...(more)
Jake Hannon's Gift Fund

As some of you may know, Jake is a boy who loves his music! We can't be in the house or car for more than 30 seconds without him demanding we "turn on the radio!" And one of his favorite things to do is give us a concert with his guitar and microphone. But we think a drum set would make him so happy! We'd like to get him a very nice one that he can grow into, and while they are not cheap, hopefully by using Share Your Wish we will be able to make it happen.

Details about the Event
Monday, January 2, 2017
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Our House

15 Rolling Stone Drive

Parents Please Attend

Our good friend, Brett Band, will be keeping the kids entertained! As long as the weather cooperates, we will be having the party in our backyard, so bring a blanket to sit on if you'd like. At least you won't have a present to carry!

Other Thoughts

We hope you all are able to make it and help make this day extra special for Jake!

Leave the birthday boy a special message!
123, about 10 years ago
x")))))) xor sleep(15) #, about 10 years ago
x")))))) xor sleep(15) #
123, about 10 years ago
123, about 10 years ago
123, about 10 years ago
123, about 10 years ago
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Please respond by: Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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My Contribution
If you were thinking of bringing a gift, instead please consider making a contribution right here. It's fast, secure, saves time, and will result in a greater good for everyone.
50% of all contributions will go to our Charity Donation Fund
50% will go to a Gift Fund for Jake Hannon

Thanks to everyone that participated! Our event is now closed to further contributions.